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Help for Administrators


How do I start offering services on Vixly?
The best way to get started is to sign up for our 30-day free trial by completing the Vixly onboarding wizard covering the following steps:
  1. Organization: Add currency, payment service, contact details, social media, branding, description and optionally additional language(s).
  2. Services: Add one or more services, each with its unique settings including duration, price and appointment method (video, in-person or phone).
  3. User: Add your availability (when you can be booked) and the language(s) that you offer your service(s) in.
  4. Invite: Optionally associate and invite one or more colleagues to your organization on Vixly.
  5. Complete: That's it! If you in step 1 did not select to use own payment system (default), you can now set up Stripe integration to support paid services.
Upon completion of the Vixly onboarding wizard, you can access the Vixly admin interface to manage your Vixly page, services, users and bookings.
How do I manage my Vixly page, branding and payment service?
Vixly administrators have access to the Vixly admin interface and the following features under Organization:
  • Contact
    • Edit organization name
    • Edit contact information such as address, e-mail, phone and website
    • Edit social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, X and YouTube)
  • Subscription
    • Start and manage the Vixly subscription for your organization
  • Payment
    • Connect your Stripe account (default, recommended), or Use own payment system
      • Vixly + Stripe
        • Accept upfront payment from clients and offer clients refunds upon cancellations
        • Set your Cancellation policy allowing clients to cancel up to X hours prior to the appointment and get a refund
        • Set your Refund rate to Y percent
          Note: For cancellations, the Stripe fees (fixed + variable) and the variable Vixly fee are non-refundable. Consider setting the refund rate accordingly to avoid cancellation costs for your organization. For package bookings, no refund will be issued upon cancellation.
      • Use own payment system
        • Send out invoices or similar from your existing system or service
        • Set your Cancellation policy allowing clients to cancel up to X hours prior to the appointment at no cost
          Note: Vixly is not involved in any payment collection for bookings or cancellation costs. For package bookings, no refund will be issued upon cancellation.
    • Currency
      • Select your primary currency
      • Optionally add additional currencies
  • Branding
    • Select the logo (recommended size 384x384 px), header (recommended size 2400x800 px) and color for your Vixly page
  • Description
    • Write a short description of your organization in the default language, optionally add the description in additional language(s)
    • Optionally, add your certification(s)
    • Check Public rating (default) if you want your rating to be shown on your Vixly page
How can I add new services or manage existing ones?
Go to Admin > Services to list active services (top) and disabled services (bottom):
  • Click on Create service in the top right-hand corner to launch the Vixly service wizard which will take you through the following steps:
    1. Select category, enter title and description (in one or more languages) and upload service image (recommended size 480x480 px).
    2. Select appointment methods (video, in-person or phone) and quantity (single session or package of x sessions), enter duration, time buffer, payment (free or payable) and price.
    3. Select booking policy (e.g. allow client to select host) and minimum/maximum time in advance for booking and rescheduling.
    4. Select the host users that you want to make bookable for the service.
  • To make changes to an existing service, click on the service in question and make changes to any of the steps listed above.
  • When editing an existing service, you also have the option to set Visibility to the following:
    • Public (default): The service is shown on all pages
    • Personal: The service is only shown on personal pages*
    • Private: The service is only available via direct booking link
* For the service to be shown on personal pages, "Allow customer to book specific user" needs to be activated for the service.
What is the blue verified badge?
The blue verified badge signifies that a provider has been approved for the marketplace, indicating they have met key eligibility criteria. The badge helps users identify trusted providers who offer services on the platform. The verification process ensures that these providers have completed the necessary steps to demonstrate their authenticity and professionalism.
How can I get my services listed on the Vixly Marketplace?
  • Click on the service you want to list on the marketplace
  • Click on the List on marketplace button
  • Review the Prerequisites and Guidelines, and click on the Request button
Note: Any Marketplace submission is subject to our quality control and consideration, and we reserve the right to refuse any submission for any reason. Your submission will normally be reviewed within 48 hours during working days.
How will changes to an existing service affect existing bookings (for the same service)?
The short answer is that existing bookings will remain unchanged with changes to the related service. You can e.g. change price, duration and host users without changing existing bookings. If a booking is changed or rescheduled (by client or host) the following applies:
  • Changes to price or duration will not impact changed/rescheduled bookings (the price and duration that the client originally agreed to remain the same).
  • Changes to hosts users may impact changed/rescheduled bookings:
    • If a host user is removed from a service, the user cannot be assigned/selected to a changed/rescheduled booking.
    • For services not allowing clients to select host user, the host user assignment will be by random for a changed/rescheduled booking.
How do see I see the schedules for host users in my organization?
Go to Admin > Schedule:
  • Organizations with one or more host users (in addition to your admin user) will see the schedule for the first user (in alphabetical order).
  • You may switch between the different host users by using the selector in the top right-hand corner.
  • Use the selector and choose Organization to see the schedule for your organization.
    • To add an organization-wide event, e.g. Friday beer, double-click on the desired day and time to add an Organization event. Alternatively, click on in the top right-hand corner of the calendar. Organization events will block the schedule for the selected host users but may be removed/declined by the individual host user.
What do I do if one of my hosts is temporarily unavailable for his/her appointments?
You have the following options:
  1. Reassign the appointment to another host user that is available.
  2. Cancel the appointment and give the client a full refund.
  3. Reschedule the appointment with the same or new host user.

Go to Admin > Schedule:

  • View the schedule of the host user by selecting his/her name in the selector in the top right-hand corner.
  • Click on the appointment in question:
    • Click Change to reassign to another host user and/or reschedule.
    • Click Cancel booking to cancel and give the client a full refund.

For effective rescheduling (and for client satisfaction) we recommend that you call the client and/or select a date/time well ahead of your rescheduling cutoff, should the client need to reschedule.

Upon cancellation, Vixly sends a booking cancellation e-mail to the client and any invited guest(s).

For organizations with an active Vixly/Stripe integration (enabling prepay), paid bookings are fully refunded (100%) to the client when the cancellation is made by Host. The organization will be charged with the Vixly and Stripe transaction fees.

Where do I find the bookings for my organization?
Go to Admin > Bookings:
  • Search by:
    • Period in combination with Users (all or one particular) and/or Services (all or one in particular), or
    • Client first name, last name and/or e-mail address.
  • Click on a booking to:
    • View booked service, date and time, language, participants (host, client and guests (if invited)).
    • View payment details (for payable services):
      • Amount
      • For organizations with Stripe integration:
        • Refund: Sum of any refunds paid back to client
        • Button to provide client with a refund amount
        • Button to go to Stripe for further payment details
    • Timeline from when the booking was created to who joined the video call and when.
You may export a list (CSV file) of all bookings for a given month by clicking on Export in the top right-hand corner.
How are refunds handled?
For organizations with Stripe integration, refunds are automatically handled in the following ways for single session services:
  • A client can cancel a session before the cutoff time and receive refund in accordance with the cancellation policy set by the admin.
  • A host can cancel a session at any time before the scheduled session start time, resulting in full refund to the client.

For package services (containing multiple sessions), no refunds are issued.

Organizations with Stripe integration has the option to manually issue a refund from Admin > Bookings.
How can I add new users or manage existing ones?
Go to Admin > Users to list active users (top) and disabled users (bottom):
  • Click on Invite colleagues in the top right-hand corner to to invite one or more of your co-workers to join Vixly:
    1. Enter the e-mail addresses and select the services that you want to make them bookable for.
    2. Vixly sends an e-mail to the addresses that you add, inviting each of them to become a Vixly user. When they accept the invitation, they will be asked to add their availability and language(s) to make them bookable.
    3. Vixly sends an e-mail notification to you every time an invitation has been accepted.
  • To make changes to an existing user, click on the user in question and make changes to the following:
    1. Profile information including first and last name, and security (account enabled/disabled, and administrator privileges).
    2. Services: View/change the services that the user is bookable for.
    3. Availability: View/change the availability of the user (should be done in close cooperation with the user).
    4. Spoken languages: View/change the languages that the user provides services in (should be done in close cooperation with the user).
How do Vixly referrals work?
You can become a Vixly referrer in one of the following ways:

Note: A prerequisite for organizations to become a Vixly referrer is that you have a Stripe account and that it is connected to your Vixly account.

You can take the following steps to start earning commission on your referrals:

  1. Go to Admin > Referrals
  2. Copy your Vixly referral link (Vixly main page or your Vixly services page) or construct your own Vixly link.
  3. Share the link with your audience (by e-mail, website, social media, etc.).

Whenever an organization you refer to Vixly (using your Vixly referral link) pay their monthly Vixly subscription, we will transfer 20% of their subscription amount to your Stripe account connected to your Vixly account.

How does the Vixly referral link work? Your unique Vixly referral link will set a 90-day cookie in the browser of the person visiting the link. The referral will be associated with your Vixly account as long as the person starts a Vixly trial within the 90-day period with this cookie set.


How do I access my account?
You can access your account by clicking the icon in the top navigation bar. If prompted, enter your e-mail address and password for your Vixly account.
How do I change the e-mail or password of my account?
Go to My account > Profile:
  • Change e-mail:
    1. Click on Edit next to your current e-mail address
    2. Enter the new e-mail address
    3. Enter the verification code sent to your new e-mail address
  • Change password:
    1. Click on Change password
    2. Enter and re-enter the new password
    3. Enter the verification code sent to your e-mail address
How do I subscribe or unsubscribe to Vixly news e-mails?
Upon your consent, we may send you e-mails with news and offers from Vixly and Provider(s). To make changes, go to My account > News and check (subscribe) or uncheck (unsubscribe) to news and offers from Vixly and/or Provider(s).
How do I view my personal information stored by Vixly?
Go to My account > Privacy and click on Download my Vixly data to download a text file with the information stored by Vixly.
How do I delete my Vixly account?
Go to My account > Privacy:
  1. Click on Delete my account
  2. Click on Delete account
  3. For final confirmation, enter the verification code sent to your e-mail address
Warning: This will permanently delete your Vixly user account and all related data! If you have upcoming bookings, you will be asked to cancel these before deleting the account.
Please e-mail if you cannot find what you are looking for or you are experiencing technical issues.

Admins can also schedule a video session with the Provider Success Team.